Friday, March 9, 2012

Super Soccer

I believe that soccer is the best sport ever invented because of the rules. You can't use your hands unless you are the goalie or or you are doing a throw in. Soccer is all about leverage, speed, and balance. You can not rely on your hands for everything in soccer. The best part is if you are in bored one day, you can go outside and do some soccer. If you kick the ball into the net without the goalie touching it, you scored. That is why I like soccer.

Posted by: Sporty Gal


  1. I tried soccer once and didn't like it because I ran until I puked.

  2. I tried to play soccer and it never turned out so well i got SMACKED in the face by the BALL IT REALLY HURT... XD

  3. I like watching soccer but I only paly for fun orange360.
