Thursday, March 1, 2012

Unfair Science Fair!

At our school, only 4th and 5th graders can go to the county science fair. I think it is unfair that 3rd graders can't go. If they do a good job on there science fair project, they only get a ribbon. What can you do with a ribbon?

Why can only 4th and 5th go and not 3rd? I think it's not fair to our 3rd grade students. What if third grader had a science fair project that showed how to solve cancer. They still wouldn't get to go to county. Why?

posted by: Mr. Bobcow


  1. I completely agree with you! I think the reason they limit it is because the county science fair is already overcrowded. But you're right. If someone deserves to go, they should have the right to go.

  2. I don`t agree I think that 3rd graders are not advanced enough for the sience fair county or state. What I think is unfair is that 4th graders can`t go to state.
