Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Kingdom of Fantasy Rocks!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a land full of ogres, fairies, and talking animals? Well, in The Kingdom of Fantasy, Geronimo Stilton knows all too well.

 He goes on an adventure to find the heart of happiness, but finds that he has to go through the land of ogres to find the map of paradise. He looks on the map and finds that he must travel to the land of sweets, the land of toys, the land of comfort, the land of gold, and the land of fairy tales.  None of the lands had the heart of happiness. Will he ever find what he’s looking for, or will he die trying?

In my opinion I think the book Kingdom of Fantasy is a great read because it has characters like the dragon of the rainbow, the chameleon named boils, and a giant, Queen Blossom. Another reason I like this book is because the dragon of the rainbow. He goes on the adventures with Geronimo and helps him travel place to place without walking, and I think that is a big help to Geronimo. I also liked all the lands in the book. My most favorite was the land of gold because it’s a kid’s dream to hold gold. I think the book kingdom of fantasy is the best book in the world.

If you read it, I hope you liked it as much as I did.  I highly recommend this book and I give it  5 paws.   
Posted by: Firedragon


  1. I do not really like the book but I love your picture

  2. WOW, Firedragon! I love how you described exactly what you liked about the book, provided clear examples, and left the reader wondering what would happen. Great lead also! Keep up the great writing!

  3. i agree with you mrs.cook

