Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tintin the Dare Devil

The movie "The Adventures of TinTin" is about a 15 year-old boy who is trying to figure out the mystery of a boat called The Unicorn. TinTin is a big dare devil. He drives a plane through a hurricane, rides a motorcycle which breaks on a telephone wire while he's driving the bike! He ran in the middle of the road and almost got hit by a car. TinTin becomes unconscious and the plane propeller almost cuts his head off. But his friend is wearing a parachute that has opened and the strings get caught in the propeller and stops it from killing him.
You need to see the movie to figure out what happens at the end.

I give this movie 5 paws.
 Posted by: Monkey 624


  1. Love it! Great job! From your Mom.

  2. now i wanna go see this movie!

  3. Hey, Mrs. Isaac cool hampster!

  4. So excited about this! The cartoon was always awesome. Glad the movie is so great! cool review!

  5. I love the movie too. Highly recommend it.

  6. I saw the movie It was the best ever

  7. I mean tintin(funny name)XD

  8. great job monkey246 from anonymous

  9. i don't like the movie tin tin, sorry.
    by-cutie pie
